Ah, September—Fall ain’t far away now. Can’t wait for this humidity to be gone. I also suffer from reverse seasonal affective disorder; I tend to get deprest in the summer if I’m not careful. Shorter days & better moods ahead tho.
Some things that are on my mind: the sociology of this school, how it’s set up, how I fit into the rank and file. I started reading Castaneda’s Don Juan. I feel like a shaman. I want to meet Mescalito. The weather is wild: Katrina really fuckt New Orleans up. Flooded the whole damn city. People are trapt, shelterd in the Superdome with hardly any food or water before the storm hit, now they’ve been stuck there all week. It’s like the cartoon trope of a stranded sailor with “S-O-S” speld out in rocks or wood—but in real life. On every roof as far as the eye can see. Gas is like $3.79 per gallon here, too. This all happend the night I walkt back from the Muse.
Ceejay told me what happend to him that same night: He was confronted by someone whom he owes money while he was tripping out of his mind—recall that he took five hits, I only took one—poor Ceej sat on that dingy upstairs couch unable to respond while the guy screamed in his face. Muse soundman Jim had to intervene: “He’s wiggin’ bwalls man, lay off ’im!” Dude was mollified by the sight of the sheets of perforated paper in the freezer & he calmed down somewhat. Then Ceejay had a moment of clarity in which he realized his predicament: he was languishing in what is essentially a flophouse above a music venue on the outskirts of downtown. Too easy to find, in other words. Once he came down, he cald his ma and begged her to let him move back home to Sumner County. So it looks like we’ll be practicing there again, for the time being.
The first week of college has been long & arduous—but also vivifying! Monday: Recover from acid, first day of classes. Laid around the dorm and listend to reports on TV of the levees failing in NOLA. Tuesday: Long day of classes, between Lit & Aural I wrote in the library computer lab, then napt in the afternoon, then an intimidating first ensemble class. Dosed 2½ and played acoustic guitar to the rainy night. Grabbed greasy sliders at Jackson’s with Sean and drew caricatures in my notebook of the other students there. Smoked a J with Tayler, Kenan, and Kenan’s weird roommate; watched Bongwater and finally finished writing “Forevery A” on paper. Tayler doesn’t have a roommate (none showed up, anyway) so his room at the end of the row has become the third-floor hangout spot, especially because of the extra window out of which people can blow tobacco & cannabis smoke since it doesn’t face the balcony. Wednesday: Briefly adventured with Sean into a pre-Rush party at Kappa Sig, then back in 302 we had shots of Southern Comfort & a J. Thursday: Again after long classes (dozed in the library, early morning) drove to Echo Hollow to hang with Ceejay (who’s also tripping) and we had a really nice time swinging at the nearby playground, drinking beer and watching Tim Burton’s Batman on his family’s bigscreen. Friday, today: Got up early & drove to my first guitar lesson with Dr Filip, which went OK.